Through my ABQ Math class I learned about Ontario
E-learning resources at HTTP:// .
I was very excited and spent many days exploring the database of very use full
and student enriching activities and lesson plans that are very impressive. In my excitement I wrote to the Ontario Ministry Of Education
E-Learning contact person asking for access to this remarkable source of
information. Besides being informed that it is only for provincially
funded school systems, I was also told that “Teachers and students in private
schools are not deemed to be eligible users.” At this point a question kept
flashing in my mind "Should knowledge be only accessible to “eligible
users” or all Canadian Taxpaying Citizens should be allowed to access this resource.”
teachers and students of private schools and students who are home-schooled, be
allowed to benefit from Mathematics E-Learning resources such as available at OERB?
I believe that all taxpaying Canadian Citizens should be allowed access to
knowledge especially children and youth as they are very important members who
contribute to strengthen their communities that they grow up in. No matter which
school system they go to, the common goal is to educate our next generation of
Canadians. I would like to initiate an intellectual discussion, if as educators we agree or disagree to this approach.