Monday, February 3, 2014

Have you ever thought how the World would be without Numbers?

People always think that numbers (and math) can make things seem more complicated. Some students gasp at the very mention of math because they see numbers and it all seems overwhelming. Yes, being a teacher and one who has a passion for math, I strongly believe in the importance of not only learning “how to do” math but learning how to love math. There is nothing more satisfying for a teacher AND a student than grasping that math concept. Once a student understands a concept, they can whiz through all those math problems and feel a sense of accomplishment. I want to teach students that math and numbers do not make things more complicated…in fact, math (and numbers) actually makes this world much easier!

Have a look at this short funny tale of a world without numbers "NoNumbers Land" and let me know your thoughts. How would your world be different without numbers?

1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this video. It is a great way to remind students that math is not as scary as we sometimes make it out to be, and that we use it every day without even being aware of it. It could serve as a great introduction activity for a lesson that addresses the many curriculum expectations that relate math concepts to the real world (after all "[the curriculum] aims to challenge all students by including expectations that require them to... make connections between... mathematics, other disciplines, and the real world.")
    As to how my world would be different without numbers, just of the top of my head I can think of computers (which would not function as we know them without numbers), and building or construction - the old construction adage 'measure twice and cut once' would not work very well without numbers. Not to mention many other disciplines that would not function well without math, like science or journalism (major news sources publish based on dates and deadlines, and many include polls and other figures that would be virtually impossible to use without numbers).
