Sunday, October 30, 2016

Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy is very important and the Ministry of Education has many resources outlining it's importance to all curriculum especially math. Math skills can be used in many real life financial decisions the students will be making in their lives.  Please check it out.


  1. When I was in school this topic was touched upon but it was not offered as a course as it does in the curriculum today i.e. Grade 11 "Workplace Preparation"
    Given the opportunity for adults to obtain access to funds through credit cards, lines of credit, mortgages, double mortgages, and lending institutions this course would be very pertinent and helpful for many students to truly understand, at an early age, the consequences of their financial decisions. Just knowing how interest rates and compounding over time affects the value of money either as debt load or savings will be invaluable to them as they make those financial and life decisions.

  2. I love financial literacy! The students engagement levels are really high everytime we do it! I am currently doing a math/health project on junk food and budgeting healthy meals with a final project of throwing a party for the class with only healthy foods. The students are loving it! It just goes to show we can incorporate math into all subject areas!
