Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Illuminations and Inquiry Maths

As we've already discovered throughout the course, there are many different websites that are very beneficial in the math classroom. When browsing the Internet, I cam across a website called Illuminations that offers many different math resources to teachers. There is library of virtual manipulatives : and these are resources that can be used in the classroom or for individual student purposes depending on the student's needs. This resources spans from kindergarten to grade 12 and there are many fantastic lessons, brain teasers (which provide great warm ups and hooks for math lessons), and many different games offered to each different curriculum big idea. 

Inquiry Maths is also another site that is perfect when teaching math in high school The site contains different question prompts that allow students to think critically and use their higher order thinking skills with mathematical concepts. The different prompts stem from Number prompts, algebra prompts, geometry prompts and statistic prompts. Teachers can also create their own prompts and use the assessment framework to guide their evaluation process. Ultimately, students are able to explore diverse paths related to mathematical concepts and the students takes responsibility of their learning. 

Math Drills!

Hi Everyone,

Here’s another great resource that can be integrated into the classroom:

This website contains lessons, worksheets and other useful tools all presented with a clean layout that is easy to navigate. What I like most about it is how organized the content is. Apart from each topic and unit of study being neatly divided, it also has a variety of extras that are incredibly useful in the classroom.

The Interactive Math section provides utilities such as flash cards, games and converters that can prove useful in the classroom. They also have a sections for accommodations such as the large print worksheets to help students who are visually impaired. What is also fun is they have a holiday section with worksheets that have various holiday themes for those festive times of year.

I hope everyone finds it helpful!


Monday, June 5, 2017

Mathematical Quotes

I'm a big believer in quotes helping to inspire students to always do their best. Sometimes students need that positive reinforcement or that extra "push", especially if they start to daydream in math class or get frustrated with their performance. Here are some quotes that I cam across that are some awesome math quotes that allow students to think about math in a different light or mathematical concepts in real life applications.

Grade 12 - Advanced Functions Connection (with limits)

Mathematics and Relationships

The Relationship with Math and other subjects (ex. science)

Positive and Open Mindsets in Math

Using humour in math

I am a huge fan of puns and jokes, I also believe humour is a great way to make connections with your students. I will see different math jokes pop up on Twitter, Instagram,
and Facebook and it got me thinking...

Image result for math humor

First it would be a fun Minds On activity to show them and ask them to explain the humour. Another activity that could be effective would be having students try to create their own jokes or puns based on learning in the classroom. Anyway here are a couple of my favourites and let me know if you think this idea would work!

Image result for math humorImage result for math humorImage result for math humor