Monday, June 5, 2017

Mathematical Quotes

I'm a big believer in quotes helping to inspire students to always do their best. Sometimes students need that positive reinforcement or that extra "push", especially if they start to daydream in math class or get frustrated with their performance. Here are some quotes that I cam across that are some awesome math quotes that allow students to think about math in a different light or mathematical concepts in real life applications.

Grade 12 - Advanced Functions Connection (with limits)

Mathematics and Relationships

The Relationship with Math and other subjects (ex. science)

Positive and Open Mindsets in Math


  1. Hi Emily,

    These are all really cool. It just goes to show how the little things like having your classroom decorated with things such as these quotes can really be a motivator for students. Having a visually impressive environment can really help with the moral in the classroom and sometimes having students in a good mood can make all the difference in having a class that is engaged.


  2. I feel that it also sets the tone of the classroom environment. Many students want positive reinforcement or some encouragement throughout their learning process. It is hard to make sure that all students are feeling encouraged 24/7 but posters can also help add the extra special positive reinforcement touch.

  3. I feel that it also sets the tone of the classroom environment. Many students want positive reinforcement or some encouragement throughout their learning process. It is hard to make sure that all students are feeling encouraged 24/7 but posters can also help add the extra special positive reinforcement touch.

  4. I like the one with minus hate and add love! I agree with the use of quotes, I hang them up as well and I try to use humor too. I think it helps with having fun while we work, thanks for the tip!
