Sunday, October 4, 2015

Battleship: Cartesian Edition

Re-creating an in-class version of the classic game Battleship is a great way to get student engaged and practicing how to plot points on the Cartesian Plane! The website Education World has a detailed activity plan to show teachers how to implement this strategy into classrooms.

Simply put, students plot points on their grids to represent their ships of different sizes before facing off against one another to see if they can locate and sink each others ships. 

This activity can be modified for different age groups to show plotting points in one quadrant, two quadrants, or all four quadrants depending on the grade level and needs of the teacher. I can also see the potential for a larger scale version of this activity using painter's tape and tiles on the classroom floor as the coordinate system guide. This activity is well explained in the clip below by teacher/youtuber Mr. Dunaway of the Mr. Dunaway's Math Videos channel:

1 comment:

  1. I remember doing this in elementary school! it's a great tool to use because the students think they are playing a game but really their practicing their plotting skills.
