Sunday, May 28, 2017

Explain Everything the app

I came across this app when I was teaching a grade 1/2 split. We were using Educreations but it  just seemed limited in it could do. Here's a brief tutorial video of how to use Explain Everything:

Here is a video of it being used in a math classroom:

What I find amazing about his app is that often times they can be a struggle to explain mathematical thinking using a pencil and paper. This apps allows students to do this orally and use visuals as well. In terms of assessment this app is great because you can watch the videos later and even show the class someones thinking. But what really clinched it for me is student engagement. One of my grade 1s wasn't always engaged in learning activities blew my mind. We were studying 3D solids and their attributes, he took a picture of a square based pyramid and went on to describe the faces, vertices, and edges (including those hidden from view). When I showed the class his video his smile was so rewarding, he was so proud of what he did. Anyway if you haven't tried this app, give it a shot and let me know what you think of it.



  1. Another great app is Recap App ( It lets students make short video responses to a question the teacher asks. Although it does not have the drawing feature like Explain Everything, it does have a time limit, so students need to be concise with their answers. It is a great alternative to a typical exit ticket! Students can explain their learning verbally instead of in writing, like Explain Everything, so it is really great for students who understand the material but struggle to use written language to show that! Check it out!

  2. Victoria,
    Thanks for the suggestion, I'll be sure to download it tomorrow on the class iPad!
