Tuesday, August 5, 2014

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives

The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NLVM) is a collection of virtual manipulatives for teachers.  This is a fantastic to engage students in math and contains collections of manipulatives for each math strand with categories for Pre K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12.  This NLVM, if you haven't used it before, is a resource from which teachers can freely collect resources to enrich our math programs.  You can find manipulatives for whatever you are teaching and incorporate these into lessons, use it as an exit card, or use it to differentiate for IEP students.

If you have used this before, check it out!  It's a great resource!
I hope you like it!  Here is a link:

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Katie Chiasson


  1. I recently found out about National Library of Virtual Manipulatives during a math seminar for teaching grades 4-6 students. We used a few different options available on this site including pattern blocks. The manipulatives on this site work great if you do not have the actual manipulatives in the classroom, you need more than available and so that students can utilize them from home. I think this is a fantastic site to use for all levels of teaching mathematics.

  2. Wow, thanks for sharing this resource Katie. This is a wonderful website. All of the schools that I have taught in have a vast amount of physical manipulatives, but I have never been told about access to online manipulatives. This is great as students begin to integrate technology into more and more of what they do in the classroom. I wonder if these manipulatives would work on the iPad? They may be java and may not work, but it would be great if the students who have iPads in the classrooms could have access to these manipulatives directly on them. I will be bookmarking this web site for sure. Thanks!

