Monday, May 27, 2013

Tips for new teachers

As we are all taking this Math ABQ course (and some of us are not fortunate to have our own classrooms yet), I found this link that I think could be very beneficial.  It's called "Tips for Beginning Math Teachers" but it can also be very helpful in other subject areas as well.  There is information regarding make-up tests for students, general teaching practices, how to effectively prepare your students for tests, etc.  While I don't necessarily agree with every single point on there, (for example, giving out awards for good behaviour and results- I think there is something to be said for a bit of self-motivation), my general feelings are that most things on this list are a great help to new teachers in general, not just math teachers.


Tips for Beginning Math Teachers


  1. Hi Jenna, these tips are great! While I was reading through the list, I actually found that many of the points can apply to supply teaching as well. This is definitely true with "Do your best to be fair to students. You will earn their respect this way." Students respect supply teachers who treat them fairly and respect their classroom rules. I also thought the tip for "front loading" the school year was interesting. It makes sense that students would be more focused at the beginning of the school year.

    1. I agree with you. Students do respect supply teachers who treat them fairly and this might help the teacher to get a permanent job.
      You just reminded me of the video I saw last night when the speaker mentioned that test such as EQAO should be done at the beginning of the year because students are more focused and we have more time to support those in need after.

  2. I agree, and never really thought about it that way. The beginning of the year, like they said, was always used for review of the year before. It would be interesting to see if people tried this method; I understand the theory behind it, but then I also think there's something to be said for reviewing the previous year's work. Has anyone else tried this method?

  3. This is a great article. It focuses a lot on motivating students and preventing discouragement among students. These are good tips because if a student is worried about making mistakes, then they will be more reluctant to try difficult concepts and therefore will not learn as well. It is important that we do not discourage students when they make a mistake and even further, we should encourage them to learn from their mistakes. Great post!

  4. Great tips, Jenna! There's so much about the teaching profession that I did not appreciate before going to teacher's college. Another great resource that I find motivational and encouraging is The End of Molasses Classes by Ron Clark.
