Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Game Based Learning In Mathematics

Do any of you remember playing this game as a child?

Throughout my short time as a teacher, I have witnessed improved skills, knowledge, and attitudes towards math by means of Game-Based Learning. The right environment, correct choice of game and the teacher’s role as moderator, are vital if the desired learning outcomes are to be achieved. Interactive games can supplement traditional learning but not replace it. I believe the majority of today’s teachers are willing to incorporate GBL into their lesson plans, however the knowledge and skill level required to implement this technology successfully is lacking.  Within the past 10 years teacher’s attitudes towards the use of games for learning have changed, historically games were not seen to be of value however, many of today’s students embrace the idea of learning through games.  Within elementary schools, games are often used to solidify different skills like within “Math Rescue” the knowledge of basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division is repeated and drilled into the students. 

I’m now on the search for games at a high level of difficulty, I’ve found a couple that I will share, but I am interested to see what any of you have found in your travels.

The first one I will share is called Co-ordinate Battleships- you can click on the link below to play. Students will try to sink all the ships by using the proper (x,y) format for co-ordinates. 

Another website I have found is Hot Math
A game called Number Cop can be switched so students have to identify multiples of specific number, or numbers that are perfect squares, etc. This one I find to be good for younger grades. 

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