Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Ontario Math Ed Resources

As educators, it is important that we know where to look when we need resources or to have a "bank" of resources to refer to when teaching any subject. The following website is designed specifically for Mathematics; it provides educators with a wide array of resources such as teaching tools and guides, links to activities for students, and mathematical strategies and supports as well. The website provides many links to external websites that are related to mathematics that would benefit students, teachers, and parents.

I have used this website during my placements when I had to teach math. I was able use various resources to aid me during my lessons and to also enhance them. I also had students use some of the links provided for additional support in school and at home.



  1. Wow, I checked this resource out and it is super helpful! Everything is there very neat and organized, thanks for sharing. I will definitely be going back to this source.

  2. Thank you for sharing. This seems like a website that combines all the websites that we are used to use when teaching math. I find it to be a great resource as it delivers information for the different type of learners. It also supplies us with activities that we can use in class and activities that the students can use at home.

  3. Yes, thanks Nissrine for sharing this website. I navigated it and was amazed at the amount of lessons, activities, and related video clips included. Also, there are many grade-specific lesson supports documents which are accessible to educators to use when required to maximize their students learning and understanding of mathematical concepts. I will definitely go back to this resource when teaching math in the future :)
