Saturday, May 17, 2014

First World Problems?!

I came across another article I thought was a great integration of "real" world connections to math. Often in my classroom I hear my students tell me "this is pointless" or ask "how is this even useful?" These comments and questions are most often heard during my math lessons!! I try to explain to them that math is everywhere. Although this article doesn't mention numbers. It does say he is a billionaire! This article was taken and broken down into a problem solving framework, and can also link other curriculum content. I think they did a fantastic job in creating a lesson connecting this very brief article.

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic Mary, and I receive the same comments in my classes! This kind of activity relates math to the real world while considering a sport that many of your students might be interested in. They can also relate (most likely) to wasting their own money without giving that the thought they should! I posted another blog contribution that also speaks to showing students how math really is relevant outside of school - if you get a chance check out 'Connecting Math to Student Interests'.
